Am Burger See
- Reine Wohnbebauung / sehr ruhige Wohngegend
- Die Straße, die an dem Burger See entlang führt.
- Hier liegt die Wache der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Grambkermoor.
- Einst stand hier das Eishaus am Burger See.
- Topogr. Lage
- von Am Postmoor bis An Smidts Park.
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId, id, or src. | No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId, id, or src. |
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId, id, or src. | No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId, id, or src. |